How can you be a better student? STAGE 1

            Doing homework
1.     Copy the homework assignment  in class and be sure that you understand it. When you don’t understand, ask your teacher questions before you leave.
2.     Take your books home from school every day.
3.     Have a special place at home to do your homework.
4.     Do your homework every day. Sometimes it is easy to forget, especially when there is something interesting to watch on television or do with your friends. Your homework is more important.
Do you know how to read homework assignments?
pp. 18-25. Ques. 1-5, p.26. Memorize paragraph 1 p. 18.
pp. means pages; p. means page; Ques. means question; (Read pages 18-25. Answer questions 1-5 on page 26. Memorize the first paragraph on page 18.
What is your H.G.? (Homework Quotient)
Choose the correct answer:
1.     You have homework in English, but you forgot to copy it down. What will you do?
a)     Forget it.
b)    Tell your teacher you did the homework but left it at home.
c)     Call a friend for the information.
2.     You have a report in History next week. What do you do now?
a)     Watch television because you won’t have time next week.
b)    Forget it till next week.
c)     Get started on the report now.
3.     You don’t understand part of the Math homework. What do you do?
a)     Do what you can and remember to ask questions next time.
b)    Don’t do anything and tell the teacher you didn’t understand.
c)     Tell the teacher that the puppy ate your homework.
4.     You were sick last week and missed two days of school. What do you do?
a)     Forget it and hope the teacher will, too.
b)    Ask the teacher for the homework you missed and do it.
c)     Copy the homework from a friend.
5.     Your friend is having a big party tonight, and you have a lot of homework. What do you do?
a)     Do the homework before you go to the party.
b)    Come home from the party and do the homework.
c)     Plan to be sick tomorrow.

            Your Homework Quotient:
            4-5 correct answers-You’re a good student.
            3 correct answers- You’re O.K., but try harder.
            1-2 correct  answers- Change your homework habits now.

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